To contact us, please fill in the form below and an account manager will contact you.
04 90 92 06 14
18 Place de la République
13210 Saint-Rémy de Pce
The Hôtel Gounod in Saint-Rémy de Provence is open every day.
Situated 20 minutes from Avignon, Arles, Cavaillon and Chateaurenard and just a short drive from
8 minutes from Graveson and Maillane.
Reception hours 9am to 8pm - Disabled access
Eco-responsible means of transport (electric terminals in the hotel car park and in the public car park)
Electric bikes available for hire near the hotel
French, English, Italian, Spanish
We would like to inform our guests that the hotel is currently closed and will reopen on 04 April 2025.
Bookings are still open. You can book your stay now!